Asking you questions.

1.  Assuming, you can discard your fantasies long enough, to recognize YOU DO wish to survive on this earth: WHAT then are you willing to do, to understand, or to work for to help us survive?
1a)   Reality has established: that threats exist which can and will exterminate us from this earth/ and if we do not challenge that ending, it will be to our death as a world, because humanity “in a thousand ways”;   is simply taking more than this earth can provide for any continued length of time.  That means, the day comes when not enough, demands war/ when war then further reduces the ability of life to survive/ and cannibalism begins.  It is not, “ a hard concept”.

1b) one of the elemental realities is:   we are already one person on every acre of tillable soil on earth.  Without population controls/ there is no future;   liars assert “genetic mutilation” will save us all/ failures assert “we can irrigate everything/ even though all the aquifers on earth are in grave danger of collapse/ and they recharge at only about one inch of water per year.”  Some suggest we will raise fish in the ocean/ but not at the current means;   because it is unsustainable, and disease will over take and destroy the current methods.  The over-fishing, is soon going to cause life in the ocean to collapse.  Humanity has attacked every single critical life structure or resource in every single ocean on earth; everything, setting the stage for mass die-off, of every creature in the sea.  The pollution is at trillions of tons per year. Weapons of mass destruction cannot be undone.  Experiments to destroy life on earth with energy are ongoing, and cannot be proven “safe”/ because they threaten an entire planet, and are completely insane.  The pollinators are dying.  Anger over money, resources and religion are rising. And there are many more.   So what are you going to do?  Besides hide in cowardice, and pretend fantasy and lies are enough to keep you alive?

2.   There are those who say:   I will fight to the death/ and they mean yours.  But reality says: even if you kill one billion people/ there are still 6 billion more to go.  Still think you can win by murder?  Perhaps the dead bodies, the disease which will come, the drinkable water destroyed; etc/ etc/ etc!  What then do you choose to do?

2a) there are limits to what we can do as humanity on earth to protect ourselves against the people who will try to destroy the rest.  Just a fact of life.  But what can be done is this:   to create a world police/ by using  world law;   and limiting their aggression to leaders only.  By bringing them to court for justice before the world and their own people.
What can be done is to rewrite the laws of every society to represent ONLY what is fundamentally necessary according to the people themselves.  The minimal needs for refinement beyond that is limited to rules in support of specific laws/ in an open court, where those rules shall be governed as well by the people themselves.  Government employees, are meant to enforce the laws and rules we make/ not make rules for us to obey:   WE will do that for ourselves.

What can be done is to isolate and identify hatred/ thereby creating the boundary line between what is acceptable and a part of free society/ and what must be separated, and removed.  Hatred, is associated with revenge, revenge is the edge of violence if not yet passed over.  The critical difference between anger and hate is: the intent to stop destruction/ or start and conceive of destruction.


3.   The elemental tragedies of food, are:   that nature is being crucified by people who believe they can play god, and not be responsible for the end result of complete catastrophe which is a dead and dying nature.  Genetics combined with energy and mass, are nature.  And fools, mutilate it every single day/ gambling with every living thing on earth:   that they WILL call themselves god.  After all, “its JUST YOUR LIFE”!

3a)   The functional element allowing that mutilation to occur, is society itself.  Or more distinctly those people who want to believe, that humans can be god; and their lives will be spared from death and any other malady they wish to avoid with all their heart.  These say:   HELL YES/ DO ANYTHING, WE DON’T CARE, just buy me one more day!  But in reality, they search for a grain of sand across the entire ocean/ because once you die, eternity does begin.  A day does not matter, or years either.  What does matter, is the future for every living creation on this earth;   and it is these “satan’s” who are literally taking that away from every generation.  Because no matter what they tell you/ they cannot, undo the tragedies they will create.  Dead, but before that absolutely insane as bodies dissolve into complete and utter horrors.  Take away the tools/ prove anyone tampering with genetic nature shall be killed, or tortured until dead.  NO MORE of this!

3 b) the other mutilators are of course: agriculture and the insane practices of abuse that are close confinement of livestock animals and birds.  These exist, because antibiotics are fed to these creatures every single day to keep one single disease from wiping out the entire herd, in less than a week.  Thereby creating “super diseases”, which will become able to cross genetic boundary lines particularly with the aid of genetically mutated food supplies.  Diseases that will wipe humanity out as pandemic disease as well.  No “creature food”/ no medicine as most of surgery and much of the rest are completely dependent upon antibiotics to keep the body alive.   Some estimates suggest world wide production and feeding of just penicillin is at 100 million tons per year.  Which then gets into the water supplies/ sinks into the earth/ alters the chemistry of everything it touches; and changes what can live or die.  Can’t get them all?  Maybe/ but how many needs to die in a world already suffering with one billion people feeling hunger, on a repetitive basis.
Trillions of gallons of water already polluted and trillions unusable for drinking/ billions of pound of toxins ready to be released into aquifers, with a single earthquake.  Bad practice/ arrogant minds/ power hungry greed/ absolute selfishness/ and the elemental desire called want, to demand “ I DON’T CARE/ GIVE ME THE DAMN MONEY, NOW!  Are, the cause of this trouble.

4.  “The experts” have led you to an abyss of complete stupidity/ translating reality into the latest fantasy that they imagine; for the sake of endless talking, and demanding you shall listen “cause we’re special”.  They took your money/ wrecked your world/ solicited and controlled your media “so long as it didn’t interfere with greed”/ changed your society/ redirected what you believed; and much more.  As we look into the reality of this moment:   the schools fail the children.  The government employees fail the nation.  Wall street turned into the largest criminal enterprise history has ever known:   selling your jobs/ your business/ and your future for nothing more than their numbers “so they could call you slave”. One man makes a billion dollars/ another makes almost nothing;   yet the rich man does nothing more than control or attempt to control your lives, by taking the money from you.  How is that not slavery? An absolute failure for any society, by letting greed rule!

4a) to control the greedy/ you must control their access to money.  To control their access to money, it is necessary to control both the amount of numbers in circulation by connecting it to something tangible such as gold or silver/ or by connecting the numbers to a population count:   only so much, per person.  It is necessary to control the high and low incomes of ALL persons/  the workers in society.  NOT by manipulation through government/ but by a limited reality of truth:   who is worth more than three times more than you?  Pick a multiple/ and demand no more in this year.  Allowing a limited amount more only for those who teach the competition correctly.  This gives everyone an equal opportunity to experience the honest society defined, reward for their work.  And stops the greedy from controlling your lives.

4b) to control the economy, it must be localized: so that NONE can create UNDUE competition.  NO large corporations/ NO conglomerates or monopolies or control of large amounts of money.       NO gambling casinos such as wall street/ to steal your society, and make you cry (twice now, 29 & the coming complete crash; because living on a credit card does not work).  As with all “great things”/ turns out, what the experts really knew was HOW TO SWINDLE, STEAL, MANIPULATE, AND LIE!  Who is surprised?  Yet you let them mutilate the very nature that gives you body/ mind/ face/ eyes/ food:   ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING ALIVE;   cause you don’t care enough to say:   HELL, NO!  Shame on you!

5.  What are you going to do, when the resources are gone?  7 billion hands, all grabbing for everything they can get/ EVERY SINGLE DAY OR NIGHT. Growing at 2 million more mouths to feed every single week.  Stripping the earth bare/ garbage dumps of unbelievable scale to prove it is so.  What are you going to do, when the planets and environmental chains that produce oxygen for you to breathe collapse:   just can’t make enough!  Already happened/ we live by the collapse of the ozone system which is storage for excess oxygen made over thousands of years.  Your fires consume oxygen too/ do the math and decide if you really wish to die as an entire world experiencing emphysema yourselves. It not only can happen it is happening today.  Stop using so much, and change your ways.

6.  This list is long, and not worth writing until YOU ARE READY TO DO, WHAT YOU CAN DO; to help life on earth survive.  Even so, I may add more later, just for the sake of it/ an education is necessary, prior to decisions that affect a world, or another living thing.